Studio Co-ordinator:-Abhijit Ekbote,Dipti Bhaindarkar,Gauri shinde, Mythili shetty
Swawa Chavan
Its often a said notion that the spatial details or the experience of space lessens when one starts to detail and start thinking of how is this building going to be made. Here the idea of building making starts coming in where instead of alienating and prioritizing the working drawings they rather form a means of making of the building. Each of our project had a spatial detail that guided the design and thus to specifically detail and highlight this became most important. Several negotiations with respect to materials, sizing and joinery started emerging as one started to think of the process of constructing it.
To understand the several process involved in the construction of the building each one of us started to divide the process in tasks. Demarcation of the site, Site Management, Lineout, Foundation, Formwork and casting, Infill walls, Fixing of doors and windows, Electrical fixing, etc. were some of the steps involved. This also overlapped with understanding project management of an architectural project and the time involved in the several phases. Break down of this helps reveal the varied complexities coming along with the different and specific construction and material technicalities.
Building Making interrogated different ways, methods and sections of construction process using high rise services, glossary of architecture terms, site management, details (spatial and technical) as its core anchor points. Design concept were further detailed to reach technical construction requirements whilst maintaining the fundamentals of the original design concept. Working drawings as a tool challenged certain details of material and construction requirement which led to questioning, nudging and negotiating with the set standards of the process. All of these helped understand the nuances of a MAKING OF A BUILDING from having a site within an urban context, its stakeholders, forces and particularities of site to its excavation, construction, fixations, and handover.