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Kochi, Kerala

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The studio, named Architectural Compositions in Tropical Monsoonal Grounds (ACTMG) is a conceptual and methodological inquiry into the changing relationships between human and other-than-human entities found in the villages of Chellanam and Kumbalangi, located in the periphery of Kochi. Architecture, here, implies the will and act of constructing relationships between different human and other-than-human entities. Addressing the contemporary issue of climate change, this study maps the different compositions of these relationships in response to the challenges faced due to climate change. The studio looks at detailed studies of different entities like Tides, Water Bodies, Dilapidated Houses, Heat, Harbour, Sound, Edges, and Vegetation, using different methodologies such as Dérive, Rhythms, Networks, and Spatial Affordances. These methods helped in exploring the spatial interplay between built forms, humans, and these entities at different scales.

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